Thursday, February 6, 2014

Why do GMOs resemble zombies?

GMOs: The Walking Dead by
In’s informative infographic  “GMOs: The Walking Dead of The Food Industry”, the harmful risks of genetically modified organisms on human consumers and the ecosystem are stressed upon. As exemplified through the title, the infographic is linking a reference to the television show by the title of “The Walking Dead”, which is structured around a collapsing post-apocalyptic society, where the vast majority of the population consists of half-dead, flesh-eating corpses. Thus, through this allusion the infographic reveals that, like the zombies, genetically modified organisms are harmful due to their unnatural cause of existence. Through the mention of evidence, the infographic asserts that genetically modified organisms provide a lack of health and financial benefits, by means of  alluding to a credible source. All in all, “GMOs: The Walking Dead of The Food Industry” recognizes the unanticipated realities of the genetically modified food industry.

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