Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Whilst browsing the internet, I found this hilarious video entitled "GMO A-GO-GO!", a short, comedic, animated video highlighting the dangers of GMOs. In this video, some of the hazards of GMOs listed include, but are not limited to: the inclusion of insect and fish genes and increased use of pesticides. However, it is also noted that the use of pesticides has resulted in a decrease in pest and bee populations. This is extremely harmful to the welfare of the ecosystem; since, insects are essential to pollination. Furthermore, it is also mentioned that GMOs have also been proven to kill weeds, which in unnatural to the biological structure. Moreover, the crops that undergo genetic modification consist of corn, soybeans, cotton, alfalfa, papaya, and rapeseed oil, as well as numerous others. In addition, the video accentuates the humans are essentially "guinea pigs" for GMO testing; since, GMO's do not undergo a lot of experimentation before being released in the open market. Also, it is claimed that GMOs have been tested to negatively impact the overall health of a rats, and large biotechnology companies are often the owners of farms. Overall, the big idea advocated in this video was that if no one takes a stand against GMOs now, then there's no telling what the future holds.

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